Thursday, 23 October 2008

Monday 19th

To day has been fairly good, started off with our second PAL session which went a lot better than the first one, we broke them down into smaller groups and had discussions over sketch books as they were a little unsure how to begin and what to do in them, so we brought in so examples and went though it with them. next week we have blogs and time planning scheduled in for them.
Later on in the afternoon we had a meeting to discuss the INK BAR project, coming up with names and ideas aswell as ideas for the names pitched to us. I fee; the idea generations went well and i find it could be rather interesting to see what we can do with this project.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Week 4 (part 3)

today was really good due to the fact that we were given an other brief how ever this time it was to help create and design solutions for the re branding of the ink room bar in bournemouth. i am really excited about this because it sounds really good and should be quite a good challenge.
we also had another little crit to build on what we had done yesterday, buti t was a very similar out come as the day before, but we were in different groups so did get to see other peoples ideas and work which was good.
For the rest of the day i did manage to get a few illustration draw out which loook fairly good but i still need to keep working on them which i plan to do over the weekend.

weeek 4 (part 2)

so far i have been fairly successful with my development in the search to create a pack of six cards, i have a few ideas on the go at the moment which i am following though with. i already feel much more into this than i did with the look again, think again brief. My ideas at the moment have been developed around music, patters and fashion illustration. we have two weeks to do this brief so i have used this week to experiment and will continue to do so over the weekend and plan on Monday or Tuesday to pick a final set and to follow them through and make them at least 90 percent complete by the crit.
We had a mini crit today which was good and got to see other people ideas and what everyone else has done which was good and got some fairly good feed back on mine. The music theme went down well with most people but i would like to continue and follow up wit the iluustrations for a little while longer for experiemntal perposes, seeing as most things i do are on computers its good to use pen and paper again and draw using various methods for artists such as patick morgan.

week 4

To day was the first PAL session we had done so that was a little bit strange but i really enjoyed it it was good interacting with the first years and getting to know them. it was a little awkward seeing as they had never meet them before and the time seemed to go rather so but this was just the first week so next week should be much better as we didnt really know what they wanted to do this week but we have a much better idea for next week so it should be good.

weeek 3 part 2 (friday)

This week has been fair ok i just need to make some alteration to my look again, think again posters. which i plan to do soon.
We were given a talk and he new brief to day as well for the card project we have to do. we were given a talk by Claire who is a card designer(i.e0 birthday, greetings, Christmas etc). The brief is very open and we can do what ever we like with it, which to be honest it good but at the moment i am lacking a creative thrust and cant quite get back in to it after spending the who summer working on packaging briefs but hopefully i can get flowing again with this project and get back into it.
i spent to day just really trying to look at already exsisting cards so hopefully can develop some ideas for there.

Thursday, 9 October 2008

weekly update two

This weeks been fairly successful with the poster look again, think again project, my research was strong however my final piece for my poster was not as strong as I would have liked.
Thursdays crit I found to be very helpful because I got opinions from other people and managed generate new ideas for what they were say to strengthen my work that I did on weather graffiti is an art or a crime, I am trying to demonstrate that graffiti is a form of art rather than a crime or vandalism. The ideas that were generated from the discussion were to simplify my idea because there was to much going on and it seemed to much like a mood board rather than a poster, an idea to simplify the idea was to use a strap line or the one I had already created and produce a stencil which I can then can and use a method of graffiti to express my point on a wall.

Friday, 3 October 2008

My First Blog

i have finally got round to creating my first blog and this is it. so for you that are reading this, Hello and welcome.

First entry

We have started a new project called look again, think again. The idea is to sort of advertise or sell a product or an issue to people that had been forgotten about. examples of this is to think of a person possession that means a lot and to show people why it means so much and what makes it so valuable. the issue side of it is to bring up an already existing issue or an issue you feel has been over looked so to bring it to light and try to make people believe in the same thing as you buy advertising it.
i have found it fairly hard to come up with an idea for this to relate to as i can not think of anything that i would consider valuable enough in my life to sell at the moment. So my ideas have been developed around social issues such as, doors of opportunity, luck...if it really does exist or its just possibilities and if you can make people believe that something is lucky. Time and how people never seem to use it to there advantage and always regret never doing or saying something they wish they had and say they never had enough time but in fact they did and that we will always have time.
My new ideas that i have come up with today which are art and graffiti. What makes then so different and why do people believe that graffiti is not an art. My other new idea is to pick up on the small things on life that are forgotten but mean the most to people like manners(please and thank you..ect) the smiles in the street and the hugs and kisses from the people who mean the most to us.
i now have to invesigate into them all and try to find the best possible one i could use for my project.