Monday, 9 March 2009

Monday the 9th of March

So this will be my final update before the hand in.
The end of last week and weekend have been catching up with my blog and typing up my notes i have been making because i had fallen behind in my blog so i have now finally finished all the typing up and have also created a CV based on the look of my final website. Which i have attached below.


Sunday, 8 March 2009

Monday 2nd March

today we had another session with anna for theory. The session today was furthering and building on what we have already done.
For my essay i still need to sort out some research and maybe case studyies.
The ideas i have at the moment are to start to look at two brands and compare them to each other and there marketing strategies and advertising methods and define what makes them so successful, the next stage will be to decided upon a lower more unsuccessful brand and again define and determine why this brand is not so well know and why they are not so successful.
I will need to understand and contextualise the work of others and introduce the theory into my own work and demonstrate that i underatand they way it will be used in the industry.

Thursday 26th and Friday 27th Febuary 2009

SO yesterday and today now have been focused on the FMP now that i have gotten the MAA and the tasty marketing brief out of the way.
Yesterday Neil gave us a quick chat in the morning about the and in for PPRD and what we will need too hand in :
  • Blog
  • CV
  • Portfolio
this will be needed to be handed on Monday the 9th of mach.
After that the last few days i have been working on researching and questionnaires for my primary research and to help develop my progression in my project. The questionnaire will help define the area and type of footwear i will be looking at developing. I need to do this so i can move on in my research.

Wednesday 25th Febuary 2009

Tasty Marketing Presentation

Today was the day of the tasty marketing presentation which is what I've have been working on over the last few days.
the presentation seemed to go well but only three people turned up which was a little disappointing as i thought more people would turn up. We all got a lot of positive feed back from Matt and Emma. Emma is one of the directors of tasty marketing.
Although we got feed back there felt like there was no one complete design that she liked. The presentation was very informal and very laid back. After seeing all three presentations Emma decided that she did like elements from all three presentations and that she would like to take away some paper copies of the presentations so she could show her designers and see what they think and could come up with. Emma took all three of our emails and said that she would keep us informed and updated as to what is happening. Below i have attached a few pieces of my final presentation.





Monday 23rd Febuary

Libation Session 2nd Year

we had our second year introduction to the library with the librarian Charlotte:
Also find reference to the hand out and hand book show today on blackboard.

i have decided that ii am defiantly going to be basing my essay around commercial advertising but i still feel i have a lot of research and work to do.

We were given tips and told places to look for case studies and helpful places to research. we were also given tips on to key word searches and varies search engines to look.
these are a few site to look at and hope to find some more.

I found the session really useful and will hope to fins some more research on these site and more.


i decided that i was defiantly going to do the tasty marketing brief after the failure of the MAA brief. Well not complete failure but unsuccessful attempt. I have also below attached a few ideas i have come up with so far which i will define over the next few days in preparation to the presentation on Wednesday.

Friday 20th Febuary 2009

Learning agreement hand in.

So today was the learning agreement day hand in. So we had till the end of the day to get it typed up and handed in so i managed to do this ad print out two copies so i have one to hand and the one i handed in.

Final Major Project

The Arts Institute at Bournemouth

Learning Agreement

Name: Matthew Draycott

Course: : FdA Visual Communication

Level: 2

Unit: Professional Project

Reference number: VCM209

Credit points: 45

Study hours: 450 hours

Tutor(s): Sally Hope, Kit Johnson, Mike Ryan, Neil Leonard

Synopsis of study

I propose to research into a wide variety of footwear covering all genres. I will look in to advertising and marketing of the products, researching into the most popular and successful brands to the least popular and unsuccessful brands and distinguishing what the difference is between them. Then following my stages of research I will narrowing down the most popular trends and on demand footwear so that I can then put into practice my research to creating and advertising a new style of footwear as well as creating adverting campaigns and publicity for this I will also create how the footwear will look and design how the packaging will look for the product.
My chosen subject culture within the current day and age will vary from young to old generations and I would like to think that everyone would take notice as to what the product is. The audience the product will be aimed at will be trainer lovers and general public that take somewhat of an interest in the trainers they wear. I plan to place the product in shops and advertise through posters in various places where they can be seen clearly as well as magazine spreads advertising the products and to create a webpage for the product where the consumer can find out more information on the products and weather its availability in sizes and colours.
I will research into current and excising brands on a wide variety of footwear. Beginning wide gives the opportunity to explore what is the most popular type of footwear and why. I will also research into what sell best and how the products that are sold best are advertised and compare them to the more unsuccessful companies and campaign. I will investigates to why certain brands are more so popular and successful than others. I shall investigate the sales of the products and compare them with competitive companies and lower brand companies to establish an understanding or the competitiveness on the market. By investigating the mark of footwear I can raise awareness to myself and have a much clearer understanding of what is out there and what I have to do to get into the market and be successful with my product. I then can develope ideas biased on the research. The out come of work I plan to produce will vary from flyers to a website to the packaging of the footwear. I will do all I can from research to promote the footwear using new and existing methods of advertisement.
My professional thought will be based around finding out what is popular and what is not as well as mainly finding out what consumers want and want to get from there footwear. Finding out why people buy the footwear they do. My time planning will be important as I have a lot of research in all areas to do as well idea development. The best ways to do this is to set up a time plan that can to stuck to with areas for all types of research (interviews, visits questionnaires ect), idea development, deadlines, corrections and finally printing.


A1 To consolidate my creativity and practical skills in response to a simulated
Professional brief.

A2 To develop my creativity and your knowledge and understanding of professional

A3 To develops and produces a professional standard of creative work in response to
Simulated brief.

A4 To prepare for employment and further study.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit I will be able to:

LO1 Demonstrate a professional standard of creativity and practical ability, including:
• Work that is technically comparable to that made within a specified genre.
• Work that shows an awareness of contemporary trends, styles and
Subject matter, within commercial contexts.
• Work that shows a high degree of creativity and aesthetic judgment.

LO2 Demonstrate a professional ability to plan your time and my work, including:
• Project time planning.
• Working successfully with others in the production of creative outcomes.

LO3 Respond appropriately to the demands of a professional/self initiated brief, including:
• Appropriate creative outcomes to industry/work related briefs.

LO4 Demonstrate readiness for employment or further study with confidence
in the level of my creative, practical and professional knowledge and skills.

Task Outline

Visual Communication is complex combination of words and pictures, numbers and charts,
Photographs and illustrations that, in order to succeed, demands the clear thinking of a
Particularly thoughtful individual who can orchestrate these elements so they all add up to
Something distinctive, or useful, or playful, or surprising, or subversive or somehow memorable.

The professional project allows me the opportunity to apply my knowledge, technical skills and
Intellectual engagement I acquired during the course. One of the most important factors to realise
Is that my project must be a professional body of creative work that is appropriate to the level of
FdA Visual Communication. The unit has been created to challenge and to provide with
The opportunity to demonstrate my creative abilities to the full.

To achieve this I am asked to design or identify a project that meets and clearly evidences the
Learning outcomes listed in this brief. A learning agreement will detail how I propose to do this,
and will be approved by staff.

The learning agreement should be completed using the headings on the form attached, though
I will also treat this as a piece of design, illustrating your ideas and demonstrating visual

The agreement should be in and approved by 20.02.09, from that date until the hand-in I
Design my project experience. I will identify when and where I need assistance and
The pace I work through my project.

I will be given tutorial advice, technical assistance and practical advice to assist me, but the
Project design is completely individual to each individual student.

My project may be a theoretical project, live brief, concept-based enquiry – however it should
Focus on a specific commercial context, have clear aims and objectives, and most importantly a
Robust rationale focused on the area I intend to progress to.

As part of my learning outcomes I have been asked to write a Synopsis of Study.

Field of study
What is your current understanding of the subject area you wish to explore? This should indicate
Broad in the initial focus; an example would be typographic design or editorial design.

Inspiration is a process of input and output. I will have a design problem to solve, and will start by
Researching and thinking. Input, by looking at books, magazines, photos, fashion, conversation
With peers, interviews with designers, travel, nature, human behaviors, marketing trends
Etc the list will be endless. I will think about the problem and will start to use all the information I have experienced and looked at, I will start to make connections, create ideas and images and solve problems. All the information I gathered will come from the dept of my thinking to surface as my design ideas and then though my creative intelligence will become well resolved design outcomes.

Assessment Requirements

For assessment I will produce development sketchbooks, including
illustrative work/concepts, research into contemporary practices and
editorial illustration, leading to final illustrations for editorial design and I
will produce a variety of advertisement campaigns and a webpage as part of my project which advertisement will be 50% and to produce the concept idea for the footwear as well as designing the product and packaging the finished design solution for the footwear and packaging 50%.

Assessment Criteria (specific criteria related to the learning outcomes and linked to the
statement of generic assessment criteria matrix):

Evidence of understanding through synthesis and development - Research used to inform design
decisions and communicate ideas (LO1)

Evidence of knowledge of concepts and contexts - Project work that shows creative maturity and direction
within a commercial context (LO1,LO2)

Evidence of understanding through research and analysis. - Extensive research, and the application of it, used
for the underpinning and final conclusion of project work (LO1,LO2,LO3)

Evidence of understanding through critical evaluation and reflection - The objectives of the
research have clearly been identified and used to inform project work. (LO1,LO2)

Evidence of knowledge of technical processes – Knowledge of suitable hardware and software
required for the planned project (LO1, LO2)

Evidence of realisation through presentation - Work is placed within a commercial context and
appropriate methods of presentation used. (LO3)

Evidence of realisation through technical application and skills - A synthesis of creativity and
professionalism is demonstrated in the conclusion of the project work (LO1)

Evidence of realisation through communication of ideas – Presentation of learning agreement and
finished project (LO1, LO2, LO3)

Transferable Skills

To be successful, graduates need to be multi-skilled, responsive and adaptable people who are innovative and flexible enough to operate in a fast-changing world. During the course of undergraduate study, I have develop specialist skills and knowledge in various subject area. However, I also develop a range of skills and behaviours which have prepared me employment in a wide range of fields. These skills and behaviours are variously known as “transferable skills”,
“graduate skills” or “generic skills”, and employers expect all graduates to possess them; indeed many employers value these skills more than subject-specific knowledge, given the rapid pace of change.

There is no summative assessment of transferable skills on any courses at the Arts Institute, although
I will need to demonstrate my mastery of them in various ways through the course.

In the first year of my course, transferable skills will included academic conventions and good academic practice (such as the avoidance of plagiarism); information retrieval; and general skills which support academic study within higher education. As i progress through the course, i will increasingly be expected to demonstrate advanced skills in communication (verbal, visual and
written); an ability to apply my knowledge to new situations; critical reflection and self-evaluation; an ability to research, evaluate and analyse information; team-working; and higher-level problem solving. i will also be expected to develop my organisation and time management skills, and to demonstrate through my work the professionalism required of a graduate.

I will be encouraged to reflect on your development of transferable skills throughout the course.


Baldwin, J and Roberts, L. (2005) Visual communication: From Theory to practice. AVA Publishing

Heard, N. (2003) Sneakers: Carlton Books Limited

Winters, P and Winters, A. (1996) What works in fashion advertising: Retail Reporting Corporation

Goldman, R and Papson, S. (1998) Nike culture: SAGE Publications

Farrelly, L. (1998) The sneaker book- size isn’t everything: Booth-Clibborn Editions

Action Plan
Week 1
Thursday 29.01.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
• Overview of unit (Task outline; Aims; Learning Outcomes;
Assessment Requirements)
• Research (Key Texts; Internet Use)
• Learning agreement
Friday 30.01.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Learning agreement tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom

Week 2

Thursday 05.02.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Learning agreement tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom
Friday 06.02.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Learning agreement tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom

Week 3

Thursday 12.02.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Learning agreement tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom
Friday 13.02.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Learning agreement Presentations
You will present a succinct presentation that clearly demonstrates
your intended area of study.

Week 4

Thursday 19.02.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Friday 20.02.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Hand in Learning Agreements
All learning agreements should be completed and handed in by 16.00

Week 5

Thursday 26.02.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Research and development group tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom
Friday 27.02.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Research and development group tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom

Week 6

Thursday 05.03.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Research and development group tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom
Friday 06.03.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
1st Interim critique (Research and Development)

Week 7

Thursday 12.03.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Design and concept group tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom
Friday 13.03.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Design and concept group tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom

Week 8

Thursday 19.03.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Design and concept group tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom
Friday 20.03.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Design and concept group tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom

Week 9

Thursday 26.03.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Design and concept group tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom
Friday 27.03.09
9.30 – 12.30 2
Interim Critique (initial design concepts)
1.30 – 4.30
Easter Holidays

Campus is closed to students

Week 10

Thursday 16.04.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Design and concept group tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom
Friday 17.04.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
3rd Interim Critique (Presentation of possible solutions)

Week 11

Thursday 23.04.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Resolution tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom
Friday 24.04.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Resolution tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom

Week 12

Tuesday 28.04.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Resolution tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom
Wednesday 29.04.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Resolution tutorials
All students to be working in the baseroom
Thursday 30.04.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Final Critique
This will take the form of a pin-up critique accompanied by self and
peer evaluation forms
Friday 01.04.09 Staff development day – campus is closed to students

Week 13

Tuesday 05.05.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Tutorials, all students to be working in the baseroom
Print deadline – all work to be printed using the large format
printers must be with us no later than 1.30
Wednesday 06.05.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Tutorials, all students to be working in the baseroom
Thursday 07.05.09
9.30 – 12.30 Tutorials, all students to be working in the baseroom
1.30 – 4.30
Friday 08.05.09
9.30 – 12.30
1.30 – 4.30
Hand in
All work must be submitted by 2.30

We heard back from the results of the MAA Brief today, Matt sent out an email and three had been pick to be show to the board of the MAA but unfortuntly i was not picked to be on the short list of the thre. BAD TIMES...Neil also spoke about the tasty marketing brief that matt sent out with the MAA brief and told us that the deadline for that has now moved back to next Wednesday so i think i may do that now. So after the unsucess of the MAA brief i will pick my self back up and think i will give the tasty arketying brief a go.
After hanfding in the learning agreement i also managed to get a little more of of my FMP done but at the moment im feeling slightly behind due to the tiem sent on the MAA breif but hopfuly i can pick up again.

Thursday 19th Febuary

Further work and research on my FMP as well as typing up my learning agreement ready for my hand in tomorrow.
Have been and got a few books out for my research but they are mostly based on trainers rather than footwear as a general outlook at the moment.
The books i have taken out are :
  • Trainers
  • Sneakers: Size isn't Everything
  • What works in Fashion Advertising
These books will hopefully help me and give me better outlook on a few types of footwear although mainly trainers but will help also over view various brands and a quick look how some footwear companies have advertised there footwear.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Wednesday 19th of Febuary

ok so i went home for the weekend and got back today. Valentines weekend of course so i had to go back he he. But back today and over the last few days and weekend i have mainly spent time finalizing and working on my ideas for the MAA brief and the presentation was today. During my train journey home after i found myself touching up and PDFing my work so that when i got back to Bournemouth i could i could go back into the institute and complete and put together my presentation and print out some handouts to give to the people so they have something to take away with them. Below i have attached a few screen shots from my presentation i made for the MAA brief.

here are a few of my final ideas..i wanted to create with multiple uses and that can be assisted with the three places being Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole.



The presentation all in all went pretty well although very nervous. But i got a good reaction and some good feed back and they asked some good questions to which i felt i responded professionally and well. I saw some of the other designs that people had done and theirs some really good ideas, so even if mine idea is not picked ive felt i have learnt alot and it has been a really good experience. So we are all wait to the verdict and to here back.

Friday 12th Febuary 2009

meeting with Mike Ryan:
today i had to show my proposal to Mike Ryan of what i will be doing my project on and how i plan to do things. During the tutorial with Mike i explained that i will be basing my project on footwear and talked about what research i have done and which i plan to do.
For my next tutorial Mike has suggested what he would like me to do and what he would like to see from me.
  • ideas for names - own campany names
  • list of existing companies - compare to one an other
  • show how companies compare
  • collage of products and ideas on mood boards
  • collage of brand names/logos

Mike would like me to gather together this information and put into a sketch book so he can see it for own next tutorial with him.

Wednesday 11th MAA meeting

WE met today about the MAA brief to discus ideas between everyone. SO i give me a chance to see what and how much everyone else had done. At the moment all ive got is a logo and logo experiments. Matt told us to pick one design and have faith in that choice and follow it up with why you chose this, but as we know desisions are not my strong point, so when i picked the design to show i got some fairly good feed back on the design, but theni poped up my other design which he then desided to ask me why i never showed him this design in the first place and he said that he much preferred the second design i showed him so i may well explore the second one more and see what i can come up with.

tuseday 10th Febuary

So im still kinda confused as to what i wanna do for my FMP and its becoming very frustrating so i emailed sally and have organised to meet her to a short tutorial in hope that she can help advise me.
After the tutorial i feel a lot better and have attached below a scan of my thoughts and notes of the tutorial, so im now off to the library to do some research and work on the MAA project.

Monday 9th of Febuary


Today started with PAL again and for the plan today we were going to be looking at flash animations and went through a few of there ideas for there project. this all went fairly well but they were still little unsure of there ideas but its still early days.
later on we had our first meeting again back with anna. from the talk we had with her it all seems very daunting and seems like we need to do alot of work. Although i think i know what i roughly am going to do my essay on commercial advertising to link in with my FMP.
LAter on inthe evening i decided that i was going to do some extra work on one of the live briefs which at the moment is the multi area agreement (MAA) project, which is to redesign logo and website concepts. So could be quite interesting and after the fall down in the scotchapple project.

Friday, 6 March 2009

Friday 6th Febuary 2009

The Day began well although snowing.
I began further research by heading off to the library and sitting and looking through books and making notes looking for ideas and inspiration. i managed to have a look through a few books which included D&AD 2006, The Graphic Designers Guide to Effective visual communication unfortunately i didn't quite make it past those two as i was then kicked out with everyone else not only out of the library and not only that but we were sent home because the snow was so back that the institute got closed. So turned into a social SNOW DAY.

NEW START NEW MONTH.. Thursday 5th of Febuary

Still feeling confused as to what to do really for my final project im kinda placed between going for commercial advertising, but the only thing with that is what would i pick and advertise but i really like the thought of it. The other option again falls under advertising but would be to sort of help promote an already existing company or organisation such as a charity. The idea behind it would be to try to bring in more people and help more by new ways of advertising.
To help with the FMP's Mike Ryan came back to help. So we will now have tutorials with him so hopfully this will help.

I had a group tutorial with Mike Ryan.
The tutorial didn't really go as well as i had hoped really but not an entier loss. Mike helped give advice about writing our proposal.. he guessested breaking it down into three sections.. Synopsis.. Target audience and What you may produce.
Mike gave me advice that it could be easier to take an established organisation such as RSPCA or NSPCA and organisations such as those. Mike suggested taking one of those and rebranding and coming up with a new look for it and re-promoting and advertising the organisation. He felt the idea of taking on a commercial advertising approch maybe a little much and find a priduct or creating a priduct may go to much into product design and may take up to much time and become a slight destraction.


No relation to harry potter no, before you crack the joke..hmmm, Hayley is an illustrator and came in to give a talk about her work and what she does. The talk i found really good and very much enjoyed. Hayley talked about her work, other websites she has used to get briefs off such as don't panic and worked for hat trick design. She discussed how she self promotes herself as well which is a great idea and that she send emails out to people with her various pieces of work that she has done. for example near christmas she will send out maybe ideas for christmas cards. She talked about her portfolio and said that your work should reflect and show what you can do and what you want to do.
Matt Desmier also showed up with a couple of new briefs to do with identiy so i think i may well give those a go after the scothapple brief has fallen through so need something to replace that now plus some branding work i feel could be good for my portfolio so well worth a shot.
LATER on that day...
we were given a talk by Kit and Sally about the learning outcomes for the Final major project (FMP).
So no rest after one brief stright into looking and thinging of a new project i can do. BUT WHAT TO DO....

Thursday 29th January 2009 THE END IS THE BEGINNING

so i know its been a few days since i wrote on here but it has been manic few days with very little sleep due to more research and alterations over the last three days. Over the last three days i have got feed back each day and so i have changed it around threes times the biggest change was last night when i got feed back at the end of the day and the issue of the text came up so i spend all evening last night re-creating my own text to fit in and then applying to everything and relinking all the pages together again.
so i know what your thinking how much really can it have changed over the last few days... so here we go with a few demonstrations..

here is what i started out with at the beginning of the week but unfortunately and regretfully i did not screen shot all my changes as i did then which has now looking back very much annoyed me.
So after discussions the first thing to change and to go was the email icon which was introduced but not for long and has now been dropped completely.

These fonts and text belong the next big thing that was changed.
This would be the branding and header on the opening page. Which then i needed to link and continue through out the website as a continuing theme.So i then re-created all the fonts and text on the pages using my own constructed using the font arial and placing construction lines on the word giving a new dimension and look to the font.
Below i have show experiment which i later chose the second one down from the top on the first page.

Here i found inspiration from other fonts and below to the left bottom of the page were titles of pages and galleries i had to create for the website.
FINALLY..... The finished product...
You will also noticed that during the make over i had also change and modified the logo at the top left which is not only act as a log but also once click will return the user to the homepage.

And again the other change that you will notice is that the grey had now been dropped and replace with a cleaner more neutral white which i really liked. This also help and enhances my work on display and makes it stand out much more than it origianlly did. As shown belown.

All in all i have realy enjoy doing this project and will deffinatly look into doing more of this in the furture. Im happy with my website finally after a lot of changes and other people i asked seem to quite like it aswell.
So good project and good result.



So also today we have received our greatly awaited new brief for our dawnting final projects. We were given the brief and the re-introduced to Dan who we havent seen since the first year. Dan gave us a presentation and a talk about what we wanna do and where we wanna go.
Later on in the day we had small group crits with neil about what our initial ideas are and where we would like to go with them and what we want to do.

Also... To add to the end of thing i have finally heard back again from Scott and the project as now official finished and fallen through as i have been thinking it would for a while now, but had confirmation from scott today. Below i have attached a screen shot of the email he sent to me which explains what he thinks.

Monday 26th January

PAL in the morning went ok. We looked at flicker at the work that they had done and had to leave comments which was organised slightly last minute so was not well organised so the beginning could have gone better they didn't really seem like they wanted to do it at all. After that we got stright into working on there CV's and helping with there cover letters there second half seemed to go much better than the beginning.
We Also had a HP broefe meeting which went really well and the whole project seems to be going well. With the exeption today we had further imput from a visiting illustrator by th name of Catel. We had some interesting input from her and feed back was good but she couldn't really give us any advice to help develope the idea as she really liked it. Its just a matter of being abel to film it now and the equipment we will need for this maybe a slight problem. But other than that all is well and the idea is there and strong.
The rest of the day now will be spent working on my website as time is quickly running out.

Friday 23rd January 2009

But after speaking to Neil i have been given an extension for the week i missed after the Christmas period so slight relief as i have been given more time. But last few days have been pritty hectic with work as i been really going for it on this website.
i have had a break through though and i have been getting on really well and the website is wel underway now. I have decided on a final look which i will carry through the website. I have made alterations again to the pages but still need to do a few more and also need to relink the ages together. I will also need to redo the transparency text i have originally used.

i Also email Scott as i have not heard anything from him for and while and got a reply the next day which was on Thursday.
So i still wait and it is still on hold so no movement.

Tuseday 20th January

D&AD meeting with ladaslava and jess. We came up with more of a concept idea for the brief which is would be an animation/Film....based around an advert. The ideas have been developed and is much stronger now than when we first started out. We would be using people and the introducting the type of industry there in to demonstrate a creativity around them. We have alsonarrowed down a have a short list of type/ Strap lines that we could use.
Back in the evening......

So tonight i have re-done my opending page on my website. With the rebranding over the weekend i have now introduced this and gone back to using Dreamweaver as i feel more comfortable in this. i have also put in email icon link on first page so the view is able to click the link and will be able to email be easily with out going to the contacts page. I have also moved around the pages and changed the colours to Grey, its much softer to look at and seems smoother. I also have imported my Flash gallery which i was working on, onto my first page and have decided that i am deffinatly going to use this gallery after a few failed experiments with other galleries.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Monday 19th January

over the weekend and today i have spent time working on gathering my work together to put on my website for my galleries. For this i will need to gather all my work i wish to put on my website then open the files up and make the file web compatible i.e. jpeg, giff or png. i will most probably create Jpegs, but i will also need to create smaller thumbnails for these to go in my gallery i have created. During the weeknd i have also speent time creating and branding myself which meant coming up with logos. Unfortunatly my names dont really flow together but i manged to come up with a few ideas which i have shown below.


The starting point being based around my name rather than creating another name for myself or a company. I started my playing around with writing down my name and choosing fonts that i liked and experimented to see what i could come up with them to see what they could look like.

After spending a while on these i finally came up with a design that was fairly simple but which a liked. Using just my initials but sounding more of a design based company but i still quite liked it so i decided to go ahead with this logo.

Thursday and Friday 14/15th January 2009

Ok so for the past two days it been hardcore websiting and we had to make a presentation on Friday afternoon which i was not looking forward to at all as over the past few days i have been exploring other medias mainly meaning i've come away from Dreamweaver and i have been looking at creating a website in Flash. So i have been experiementing with that, but it is really under developed and i will now have to present it to a group. Oh Noooooo!!!!!!!!

Below i have attached some screen shots of the Flash experiments that i have been working on in replacement of the Dreamweaver option.


I have created a gallery for my work to be presented in. The gallery took a while to do but end results were very satisfactory. The gallery has small thumbnails with rollovers on them adding to the effect and on the click the lager image fades in to the gallery again giving the gallery a great look and effect.


This is an example of a drop down menu i managed to create which again took a fair while which i later found out was much simpler to create drop down menus in Dreamweaver. Kinda of funny but was an experience in learning how to do it.


This is a small website example that i created in Flash which was the example i showed in my crit today. The website is entirely Flash based and has four different pages a few examples of these pages lie below that i screen shot for you to view.

So after the day and the crit all is far from well. But not as bad as things could get after seeing other peoples.
some peoples websites were really good and coming alonge really while others seemed slightly underdeveloped so although still worried about mine i did feel slightly more confident. The website above created in Flash was the one i presented which didnt go really very well and main issues were the backroud image was not one of my own, not sure that the style quite refected myself as a designer. Kit also gave me a tip for my website which was to introduce or show my work because it really should be the first thing you see as it will draw the viewer in and interest them more.
Plus points from the crit were that the idea and demonstration of the gallery went down really went although the gallery needs some tweeking the initial idea is there and neail really liked it and went down rather well so i was happy with that.

tuseday and wednesday 13/14 January 2009

These past two days have been based around D&AD and website work. During the Day myself Ladaslava and jess have been meeting up to talk about the HP Brief and in the evening i have been working on developing my website.
The HP brief seems a to be going fairly well with three of us doing it and we seem to be developing ideas well but its coming up with something unique and different that will be the problem.

Monday 12th January

Yeah ok i know its been a while and i should have started back last week but i unfortunately feel ill so now had a particularly good week all in all. But i not to worry i have started my website and have a my opening page. But however i do feel i have lost valuable time and have fallen behind.
SO first day back and in the morning i got updated by Kat and James about what we are going to be doing in PAL. Pal now is going to be every other week and were going to see how that goes.
The session went pritty well i felt and we went over there ideas for the amnesty project there doing. So we broke them up into groups and i had a group of six as did Kat with james flowting between the two wiht extra impput.
They had some really good ideas and with the ones that were'nt so sure we had a little brain storm and passed ideas around and tried to get imput from the rest of the group so i did feel it was avery sucesfull PAL session. Good first day back.

tuseday 30th December (hope you had a great christmas) I DID!!


Not really much to update on as far but i have heard back from my last email, so this is just sort of a short and sweet blog imput really. The email is below and is just really and update and how Scott is getting on.

So still waiting for that decision.
As far as website project goes ive managed to do a little more research but ive been busy with the Christmas period working and attempting to rebuild money in the bank.

Chow for now.

Thursday 18th December 2008

The Christmas Break:
Ive finally heard back for scott today regarding the logo situation although that sounds good its not all good news as its kind of on a stand still. DOH!
I have attached the email i received from Scott below which pritty much explains why hes not been intouch and that he been very busy. So im hoping to here back from him again fairly soon either with some more feed back or with a desision. Still keeping the fingers crossed.

and again belowl

Friday 12th December 2008

Website and Crit:
So its the end of another busy week, so far so good to.
Today we were told we were going to be broken down into smaller groups and talk through out initial ideas for our websites.
I have been finding quite hard though to brand myself as im not particularly confident in seeing what my strengths are other than idea generation. I have quite a task on my hands to identify myself.
I would however like my website to be flowing and show a sort of professional outcome.
I have my PDF ready to Rock 'N' Roll and to be honest i felt fairly confident on this and my initial idea for the crit.
Below i have screen shots of a few pieces of my presentation i made for my crit of my website.

The Crit went fairly well i thought and i had creat a walk through PDF of how it would look and explained how it would work and what would happen. MY initial idea is for it all to be done in HTML as it is recently what i had learnt so it is still fresh in my mind.
Suggestions from the crit were to have various colours instead of just one colour, and because of the transapernce of the letters it would look interesting to see different colours and over lay them with a transparence. Other feed back suggested it was simple but could look fairly effective and would be easy to navagte.