Friday, 6 March 2009

NEW START NEW MONTH.. Thursday 5th of Febuary

Still feeling confused as to what to do really for my final project im kinda placed between going for commercial advertising, but the only thing with that is what would i pick and advertise but i really like the thought of it. The other option again falls under advertising but would be to sort of help promote an already existing company or organisation such as a charity. The idea behind it would be to try to bring in more people and help more by new ways of advertising.
To help with the FMP's Mike Ryan came back to help. So we will now have tutorials with him so hopfully this will help.

I had a group tutorial with Mike Ryan.
The tutorial didn't really go as well as i had hoped really but not an entier loss. Mike helped give advice about writing our proposal.. he guessested breaking it down into three sections.. Synopsis.. Target audience and What you may produce.
Mike gave me advice that it could be easier to take an established organisation such as RSPCA or NSPCA and organisations such as those. Mike suggested taking one of those and rebranding and coming up with a new look for it and re-promoting and advertising the organisation. He felt the idea of taking on a commercial advertising approch maybe a little much and find a priduct or creating a priduct may go to much into product design and may take up to much time and become a slight destraction.

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