So its the end of another busy week, so far so good to.
Today we were told we were going to be broken down into smaller groups and talk through out initial ideas for our websites.
I have been finding quite hard though to brand myself as im not particularly confident in seeing what my strengths are other than idea generation. I have quite a task on my hands to identify myself.
I would however like my website to be flowing and show a sort of professional outcome.
I have my PDF ready to Rock 'N' Roll and to be honest i felt fairly confident on this and my initial idea for the crit.
Below i have screen shots of a few pieces of my presentation i made for my crit of my website.

The Crit went fairly well i thought and i had creat a walk through PDF of how it would look and explained how it would work and what would happen. MY initial idea is for it all to be done in HTML as it is recently what i had learnt so it is still fresh in my mind.
Suggestions from the crit were to have various colours instead of just one colour, and because of the transapernce of the letters it would look interesting to see different colours and over lay them with a transparence. Other feed back suggested it was simple but could look fairly effective and would be easy to navagte.
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