Thursday 5 March 2009

Monday 12th January

Yeah ok i know its been a while and i should have started back last week but i unfortunately feel ill so now had a particularly good week all in all. But i not to worry i have started my website and have a my opening page. But however i do feel i have lost valuable time and have fallen behind.
SO first day back and in the morning i got updated by Kat and James about what we are going to be doing in PAL. Pal now is going to be every other week and were going to see how that goes.
The session went pritty well i felt and we went over there ideas for the amnesty project there doing. So we broke them up into groups and i had a group of six as did Kat with james flowting between the two wiht extra impput.
They had some really good ideas and with the ones that were'nt so sure we had a little brain storm and passed ideas around and tried to get imput from the rest of the group so i did feel it was avery sucesfull PAL session. Good first day back.

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