so i know its been a few days since i wrote on here but it has been manic few days with very little sleep due to more research and alterations over the last three days. Over the last three days i have got feed back each day and so i have changed it around threes times the biggest change was last night when i got feed back at the end of the day and the issue of the text came up so i spend all evening last night re-creating my own text to fit in and then applying to everything and relinking all the pages together again.
so i know what your thinking how much really can it have changed over the last few days... so here we go with a few demonstrations..
here is what i started out with at the beginning of the week but unfortunately and regretfully i did not screen shot all my changes as i did then which has now looking back very much annoyed me.
So after discussions the first thing to change and to go was the email icon which was introduced but not for long and has now been dropped completely.

This would be the branding and header on the opening page. Which then i needed to link and continue through out the website as a continuing theme.So i then re-created all the fonts and text on the pages using my own constructed using the font arial and placing construction lines on the word giving a new dimension and look to the font.
Below i have show experiment which i later chose the second one down from the top on the first page.

You will also noticed that during the make over i had also change and modified the logo at the top left which is not only act as a log but also once click will return the user to the homepage.

And again the other change that you will notice is that the grey had now been dropped and replace with a cleaner more neutral white which i really liked. This also help and enhances my work on display and makes it stand out much more than it origianlly did. As shown belown.

All in all i have realy enjoy doing this project and will deffinatly look into doing more of this in the furture. Im happy with my website finally after a lot of changes and other people i asked seem to quite like it aswell.
So good project and good result.
So also today we have received our greatly awaited new brief for our dawnting final projects. We were given the brief and the re-introduced to Dan who we havent seen since the first year. Dan gave us a presentation and a talk about what we wanna do and where we wanna go.
Later on in the day we had small group crits with neil about what our initial ideas are and where we would like to go with them and what we want to do.
Also... To add to the end of thing i have finally heard back again from Scott and the project as now official finished and fallen through as i have been thinking it would for a while now, but had confirmation from scott today. Below i have attached a screen shot of the email he sent to me which explains what he thinks.

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